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Calendar Component Professional 5.1

Calendar Component Professional 5.1

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Calendar Component Professional Publisher's Description

This is a Java component ready to use in Swing applications and has the following features:
- simple and documented interface
- ready to use with hands-on sample code
- skins styles support
- combo box (date selection edit/button) support
- multiple date selection
- disabled dates support
- null date support
- status panel containing the Today and None buttons
- special highlighting for weekends and month
- adjacent months days turn on/off flag
- custom renderers for background, days, weekday and week number cells
- set first day of week, set days names length
- set length of months names (ex. Dec, Decem, December)
- low price, free support & updates

What's New in Version 5.1 of Calendar Component Professional

added a couple of ready to use calendar components each of each customizing various features of the calendar component library

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